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Life as a Junior Consultant at Neckar Hub

Are you fascinated with the startup scene, like me? I always wondered how they operate in the German context. Are you looking for the best internship students can find? If your answer to all these questions is an astounding YES, our Hub is just the place for you!

My favourite aspect is that you can choose your own tasks. You decide an area you want to learn more about (for instance, sales, marketing, or HR), and dive right in. Winston Churchill put it best when he said- “If you find a job you love, you’ll never work again,” and this is precisely our philosophy.

Thinking outside the box is encouraged, and we create the environment for it. Working closely together in our team office keeps invaluable feedback at arms length at all times. In addition to the new things you learn every day, there are interactive workshops to help you along your journey. Topics range from software programs like WordPress, Photoshop or HubSpot to soft skills like Time Management. The best part, you can always request a workshop on a particular topic, and an experienced colleague plans it right away.

But isn’t consulting about the interaction with clients? Yes, no matter what area you choose to focus on, our customers are central to everything we do. Whether it’s taking care of daily operations or attending events to showcase what we offer, you can always seize plenty of opportunities to enhance your customer service skills.

„JC“, the way we fondly refer to Junior Consultants, is not a nickname, nor is it an empty title. Although it is an internship positions, JCs have the same voice in meetings as everyone else, take part in budget decisions, and therefore actively decide the course of the business.

Team members come from diverse backgrounds, and everyone is pleasantly surprised by what they can achieve even in a short time span. From orienting yourself within the company in the first few weeks to leading projects by the end of the internship, you will be astonished by the efficiency of an energetic and motivated team.

As I write this blog at the tail end of my internship, the words of Noel Coward come to mind- “Work is much more fun than fun.”
Join the team and see for yourself!

Picture of Jonathan De Menezes

Jonathan De Menezes

Neckar Hub Junior Consultant > interested in the Startup Scene > studies Economics & Finance > enjoys Cricket and Football

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